My fiance had a neat t-shirt made by the North Face. The dryer had its way with the shirt, which became too short and boxy for him to consider wearable. I inherited said t-shirt, but I couldn't bring myself to wear the boxy shirt outside of the house. Enter: the sewing machine and scissors. This project took just a few minutes (including winding the bobbin). It was supposed to be practice for a "real" shirt I wanted to take in, so I didn't take the time to make it neat. Little did I know I'd end up really liking the results. Three cheers for a new dog walking t-shirt!
Below is the inside of the arm. I was worried that the fit would be off due to sewing past the old sleeve seam, but it fits fine after notching out the corner:

Below is part of the print that stretches across the entire back of the shirt. Thankfully, I managed to save most of it.
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